December 21, 2012

Readers share their favorite Christmas memories

Miracle of flowers surprises homesick woman on Christmas

By Dolores Francis (Special to The Criterion)

It had been a rough year.

Job changes for both my husband and me, and a move from a city where we had put down roots had left me feeling homesick, lonely and anything but ready to celebrate Christmas.

On Christmas Day, I rose early to put the turkey in the oven.

With that chore finished, I sank into the recliner for a few quiet moments.

I closed my eyes, and asked God to help me put on a happy face and not let my bad mood spoil the holiday for my family.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes and there—on the geranium plant that I had brought in from outside last fall—a small cluster of bright red flowers had burst into bloom.

My own personal gift from God!

(Dolores Francis is a member of St. Agnes Parish in Nashville.)

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