Welcome, new Catholics!
Father Todd Goodson, pastor of St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis, baptizes Gilaniche Codjo Senou, 28, during the Easter Vigil on April 15. (Submitted photo by Katherine Gatons)
We welcome the new Catholics who have been received into the full communion of the Church since last Easter. Most of the people listed here received sacraments of initiation during the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 15. The names listed here were provided by religious education leaders in local parishes.
The 419 catechumens listed are people who have never been baptized and—within the past year—were baptized, confirmed and received their first Eucharist. The 462 candidates listed were baptized in other Christian traditions and were received into the full communion of the Church with a profession of faith, confirmation and first Eucharist during the past year.
Most people are listed in the parishes where they received their religious formation and the sacraments of initiation.
Batesville Deanery
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Aurora
Micah Clare, Stephen Courter, Brayden Goodpastor, Brock Goodpastor and Laney Goodpastor (catechumens); Hunter Hensley, Hannah Knippenberg and Kelly Strzok (candidates)
St. Michael, Brookville
Karley Ison, Kennedy Seals and Carol Simmermeyer (catechumens); Tammy Davis, Kristen Dudley, Brady Murray, Angela Suding, Jennifer Thomson and Barbara Wilson (candidates)
St. Louis, Batesville
Camden Anderson, Jadah Ertel, Jackie Minnick, Kelsey Padgett and Garrett Watkins (catechumens)
All Saints, Dearborn County
Josh Hines, Lana McAdams, Bill Retherford and Travis Swales (catechumens); Matthew Dawson, Dennise French, Jamie Gaynor, Brian Hay, Jen Hine, Cory Mobly, Jessica Mobly, Jessica Noeth, James Viel and Jay Whitehead (candidates)
St. Catherine of Sienna, Decatur County
Ashely Amberger, Jennifer Burkhart and Kera Gauck (catechumens)
St. Mary, Greensburg
Ashleigh Allen, Ciara Fasbinder, Augustus Harlow, Tracey Harlow, Rex Harlow II, Jeremy Miller, Josh Snapp and AmRhein Thomas (catechumens); Byron Balser, Shawn Burcham, Sarah Dodd, James Douglas, Rex Harlow, Scott Lawrence, Tony McLaughlin, Karen Rust, Carla Warren, Peter Warren and Adam Wilson (candidates)
St. Lawrence, Lawrenceburg
Tamera Allen, Rita Buckingham, Hannah Markland and Morgan Pruiett (catechumens); Katherine Coy, Terry Coy, Danielle Harrison, Heather Pruiett and Kaleigh Turner (candidates)
St. Charles Borromeo, Milan
Blayze Lane and Rachel Thomas (catechumens); Kristina Hartman (candidate)
Immaculate Conception, Millhousen
Allison Mattox (candidate)
Holy Family, Oldenburg
Lanny Burnham, Jr., Angela Pierson, Alijah Strassell and Sarah Walsman (candidates)
St. Nicholas, Ripley County
Victoria Hamm and Riley Siegel (catechumens); Bruce Bauman (candidate)
St. Peter, Franklin County
Wendy Ritzi (catechumen)
St. Vincent de Paul, Shelby County
Sarah Plunkett (catechumen); Vanessa Meriwether (candidate)
St. Joseph, Shelbyville
Logan Addis, Jennifer Claxton, Madeline Huntsman, Alma Kaster, Freddy Lopez, Rosario Lopez, Luis Martinez-Julian, Yulitza Martinez-Julian, Sharon Staehler and Brooklyn Winkler (catechumens); Jenna Albert, John Albert, Jacqui Compton, Matthew Kenkel and Gricelda Nunez (candidates)
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Bright
Jill James and Meagan Roberts (candidates)
Bloomington Deanery
St. Vincent de Paul, Bedford
Chesney Gillespie, Kevin Souder and Ryan Thomas (catechumens); Sara Chastain, Kimberley Gillespie, Josh Shepherd, Andrew Thomas and Stephanie Williams (candidates)
St. Charles Borromeo, Bloomington
April Moore, An Pham and Kiana Vaughn (catechumens); Connie Carney, Kaitlin Hemmelgarn, Nathan Howard, Lauren Kot, Ryan Kot, Rhyan Sloan, Gabriella Stacy, Darin Wolfe and Nicole Wright (candidates)
St. John the Apostle, Bloomington
Patricia Lewis and Morgan Volrich (catechumens); Emily Albert, Louis Browning and Clare Harshey (candidates)
St. Paul Catholic Center, Bloomington
Rebecca Formisano, Fallon Fox, Grant Martsolf, Caleb Neff, Cameron Richardson and Hogan Stanger (catechumens); Kristy Elbehar, Jennifer Faris, Mike Faris, Lori Hoevenar and Nick Vonfoerster (candidates)
St. Jude the Apostle, Spencer
Misty Barger and Dylan Fluet (catechumens)
Connersville Deanery
St. Gabriel, Connersville
Ellissa Ackerman, Mellissa Ackerman, Darren Fuller, Alexander Geis, Kelsey McEwen, Audri Turley, Brody Turley, Ellah Turley and Rilyn Turley (catechumens); Blake Adams, Donna Ammerman, Carol Bergman, Gavin Bergman, Danny Burton, Chloe Cramer and Tom Murrell (candidates)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Richmond
Treston Bennett, Kyaunna Bond, Rebecca Cruez, Cheryl Garrett, Julia Meredith, Lena Meredith, Stella Meredith, Jeremy Parker, Jordan Parker, Leann Parker, Nathan Parker, Halle Pruitt, Hayden Pruitt, Abigail Quiroz, Sophia Quiroz, Garibaldi Quiroz‑Santis and Camela Schmitz (catechumens); Judy Cook, Julia Henderson, Jane McDugle, Ashlee Orr, Micah Orr,
Carrie Pruitt, Christopher Pruitt, Madison Pruitt, Mason Pruitt, Heather Towns and Evan Underbrink (candidates)
St. Mary, Rushville
Ethan Brown, Jennifer Hay and Jessica Spaeth (catechumens); Rachel Amos, Ingeborg Auditore, Kevi Baumgartner, Brenda Gilliam, Karen Hall, Louise Krick, Mike Owen and Kirstie Ryckman (candidates)
Indianapolis East Deanery
Holy Spirit
Margarito Avila, Sabrina Clingerman, Brenda Gonzalez, Geraldine Gonzalez, Jessica Guzman, Kelley Morris, Pedro Rodriguez, Alicia Scott, David Tubbs and Jeffery Vo (catechumens)
Our Lady of Lourdes
Nicole Marcum (catechumen); James Frank and Beth Whittington (candidates)
SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral
Terence Rozzell (candidate)
St. Mary
Cesar Jeancarlos Jimenez, Pablo Santiago Jimenez, Rodrigo Samuel Jimenez, Noret Gomez Lara and Elizabeth Ponce (catechumens); Guillermo Alcauter, Riki Alcauter, Brenda Paola Conchas Foronda, Ana Maria Cruz, Andrew Dysangco, Ben Kuflewski, Sara Morales Pascual, Nate Riggs, Saul Valencia and Brock Wappes (candidates)
St. Rita
Toni Hatcher (candidate)
St. Therese of the Infant Jesus (Little Flower)
Vanessa Arellano, Gary Ballau, Mercades Cheever, Francis Fey, Josh Orndorff, Trent Short, Danielle Stillions, Ronald Stillions and Seth Stillions (catechumens); Alexis Dohleman and Angelica Ortiz (candidates)
St. Thomas the Apostle, Fortville
Danny Rigdon (candidate)
St. Michael, Greenfield
Michael Grimes, Kyle Martin and Laura Trotter (catechumens)
Indianapolis North Deanery
Christ the King, Indianapolis
Brennen Jenkins, Brittany Ley, Sena Meyer and Elizabeth Patton (catechumens); Harry Donovan, Adrianne Harris, Matthew Lorch and Brittney Shealey (candidates).
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Seth Colson and Oliver Shepherd (catechumens); Kathryn Allison, Alicia Carlson, James Carlson, Gwenda Langley, Garett Lickliter, Danielle Sparks, Courtney Spear and Anna Stanley (candidates)
St. Andrew the Apostle
Jack Benbow and Richard Ewers (candidates)
St. Joan of Arc
Sean Custer, Danielle Mitchell, Sidnee Powell, Shawn Smith and Brian Tran (catechumens); Brittany Corona, Kelsey Keefer, Scott Musgrave and Matt Parker (candidates)
St. Lawrence
Ryan Craig, Tyler Feduccia and Justin Ross (catechumens)
St. Luke the Evangelist
Kristen Berens and Paul Bonner (catechumens); James F. Faulkner, M.D., Amanda Gutwein, M.D., Charlie Harrie, Elena Harrie, Rebecca Lucado, Stephanie Salvador, Charity Stehlin and Jennifer Tabor (candidates)
St. Matthew the Apostle
Janee’ Arnold, Harry Burdess, Jennifer Burdess, Riley Love, Kendra Sandberg and Tyler Sandberg (catechumens); Lucas Burdess, Mark Fellwock, Melanie Hamilton, Marques Rattler, Anthony Turner and Jaylen Turner (candidates)
St. Pius X
Rachel Getz, Sally Getz, Paula McConnell, Alyssa Polackin, Sara Sears and Tatum Triggs (catechumens); Angela Bennett, James Clark, Jo Ellen Fowler, Kevin Getz, Damian Peak, Craig Polackin, Matthew Sears, Robert Smith, Evan Triggs and Bryce Wolf (candidates)
St. Simon the Apostle
Ethan Babcock, Evelyn Babcock, Chase Bauer, Jason Rasmussen, Ashley Rosner, Alexander Scruggs and James Sigler (catechumens); Jennifer Cohron, Jennifer Cullen, Cynthia Hastings, Jeff Mandsager, Sarah Morley, Margaret Olivares, Matthew Olivares, Sarah Rivers, Derek Thieke, Jennifer Thieke and Jeffrey Wills (candidates)
St. Thomas Aquinas
Jerry Gordon and Malcolm Moran (catechumens); Jill Gordon and Helena Welp (candidates)
Indianapolis South Deanery
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Tom Price (catechumen); Charles Brammer, Angie Fittro, Seth Lindsey and Emily Spicer (candidates)
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
Baba Omosegbon (catechumen); Sabrina Allee, Abbie Brooks, Alex Clark, Karly Kladden, Blake Powers, Karen Schmedake and JD West (candidates)
St. Barnabas
Kristopher Baker, David Bopp, Heather Dornbusch, Peggy Stearns and Gary Thompson (catechumens); Molly Eckel, Dawn Huckleberry and Jennifer Negri (candidates)
St. John the Evangelist
Brooke English, Steven Goheen, Jackson Huff, Jody Lawvere, Sarah Overshiner and Lindsay Simcoe (catechumens); Luis Ayala, James Coleman, Manuel Herceg, Eliza Lennox, Meghan McCann, Mary Moll, Celia Navarro, William Parish, Jorge Perez, Emily Rettig and Hannah Travis (candidates)
St. Jude
Kelli Basse, Catherine Boyer, David Clayton, Mackenna Combs, Tonya Combs, Dustin Pero, Amber Seibert, Brooklyn Seibert and Robin Uberta (catechumens); Zachary Alumbaugh, Jeremy Boyer, David Clayton, Sheridan Clayton, Phillip Combs, Roger Emrich, Kevin Hall, Stacy Hall and Kent Richwine (candidates)
St. Mark the Evangelist
Margaret Cervantes, Jennifer Claycomb, Braxton Haas, Brilynn Haas, Sarah Haas, Spenser Hansen, Wendy LaRosa, Daniel Lewis, Patrick Maines, Lynelle Pender, Brenda Serensky, Edward Vandall and Christina Williams, (catechumens); Theresa Carmichael and Rhianna Mast (candidates)
St. Patrick
Maria Guadalupe Alvarado and Jaime Llano (catechumens); Sebastian Juarez Agustin, Yener Perez Agustin, Marla Zurama Perez Cerrate, Yuri Ramirez, Rocio Tello and Ondina Villanueva (candidates)
St. Roch
Cameron Ambrosia Short, Marissa Ambrosia Short, James Hudson, Breanne Jewett, Hannah Mahurin, Justin Teipen and Joseph Tijerina (catechumens); Steven Adams, Santa Augustyniak, Jessica Bewley-Smith, David Burton, Shannon Burton, Mark Harris, Alyssa Hunt, Matthew Short and Rebecca Weil (candidates)
Holy Name of Jesus, Beech Grove
Sharon Bayer, Nathan Rodgers and Maximilian Wiegel (catechumens); Michael Kellermeier, Elizabeth Pennala, McKenzie Schimmel and Sally Schimmel (candidates)
Our Lady of the Greenwood, Greenwood
Ray Allen, Colby Dickey, Crystal Erwin, Joshua Fortini, Matthew Hardy, Ashley Mathews, Bill Pennington, Herman Smart and Kenneth Swint (catechumens); Carlos Burge, Rodrigo Carbajal, Jose Gonzales, Teresa Lucid, Caitlynn Minglin, LeAnn Ramirez, Andrew Reedy, Rachel Ryman, Lauretta Smart,
Stefan Snider, Caleb Taylor, Kent Thompson, Natalia Valdes, Marisol Valdes Sanches and Barbara White (candidates)
SS. Francis and Clare of Assisi, Greenwood
Brandon Black, Ashley Brunsman, Shyanne Greb, Monica Hutton, Taylor Meyers, Acile Springer and Jason Youngs (catechumens); Carson Caplinger, Kevin Caplinger, Nick Caplinger, Tonya Caplinger, Josie Garrison, Brett Keller, Emily Keller, Stasi Murray, Matthew Reising, Karrie Weemer and Nicole Youngs (candidates)
Indianapolis West Deanery
St. Malachy, Brownsburg
Brittany Caddell, Nicholas Colton, Megan Donovan, Claude Earles, Kristina Halling, Jamie Jines, Heather Medjeski, Jessica Pierce, Janie Rivera, Christopher Schuck, Lana Sorgi, Starla Steuerwald and Janet Swander (catechumens); David Anderson, Ben Anoskey, Eric Arthur, Cheryl Charchol, Mark Crawn, Reeva DelReal, Michael Gardner, Matthew Herrick, Katrina Higginbotham, Lisa Manning and Johnson Nelson (candidates)
Mary, Queen of Peace, Danville
Alexander Owens, Faith Owens, Matt Maraldo, Cooper Rockwell and Joseph Shelton (catechumens); Jessica Bramstedt, Maggie Rockwell, Coen Smith, Macee Smith, Andrew Watts, Keely Watts and Mary Ann Watts (candidates)
Holy Angels
Duaine Meriweather (candidate)
St. Anthony
Sheery Yaritto (candidate)
St. Christopher
Bryanna Bailey, Maria Bailey, Cherri Bauer, Annie Beck, Katherine Kasper, Karisa Miller and Jayson Zeigler (candidates)
St. Gabriel the Archangel
Dayanna Aguilar, Claudia Castillo, Lizeth Cervantes‑Vazquez, Keyllie Escamilla-Vazquez, Sherlyn Escamilla-Vazquez, Mario de Jesus Flores, Jose Flores-Rubio, Gustavo Hernandez, Andy Hernandez-Chupin, Gadiel Hernandez‑Chupin, Kevin Huesca, Ingrid Huesca‑Moreno, Gabriel Zavala Libreros, Christopher Marquez-Corado, Fabricio Martinez, Jacohb Medina‑Cortreras, Leticia Mirando, Alexander Ortiz, Maria (Eunice) Pong, Lisandro Salas-Leon, George Sanchez-Garcia, Jennifer Sanchez-Garcia, Elizabeth Santiago, Greydis Santiago, Lizbeth Santiago, Maria Santiago, Leidy Rubi Santiago-Fernandez, Khalil Dasaen Sawadogo, Jordan Smith-Enrique, Pia Sorzano, Lukas Spohn, Sasha Tehozol, Miguel Vasquez and Vanessa Vazquez-Castillo (catechumens); Michelle Aguilar, Manuel Alves, Veronica Arvizu Rivera, Emily Barton, Amanda Reimer, Fidencio Sanchez‑Bautista, Kaitlyn Smith, Emily Tehozol and Darwin Viveros-Leal (candidates)
St. Michael the Archangel
Gavin Crooke, Katherine Flores, Marlene Kries, Nathan Lowe, Leslie Munoz and Mutong Zhon (catechumens): David Dickerson, Antonio Ehrich, Angeley Flores, Lexy Hunt, Carla Stoncypher, Michael Todd and Richard Webb (candidates)
St. Monica
Uriel Abisai Aguilar, Cris Anthony Anota Amado, Belinda Ascencion Felix, Jazmin Ascencion Felix, Mauriana Avendano, Joseph Gustavo Baldor Bello, Raul Diaz Blanco, Pedro Antonio Meneses Blanco, Maiyah Jade Bradley, Reggie Buntin, Julissa Ceba Perez, Joanna Charlene Cervantes Dimas, Jesus Lopez Dominguez, Chance Feuzing, Teddy Feuzing, Wilfried Feuzing, Jonathan Alfredo Flores, Melany Anahi Garcia Florez, America Hernandez Toxqui, Brian Hernandez, Bryan Erubiel Gonzalez Hernandez, Linda Hernandez, Kamren Johnson, Itzamara Evelyn Lerma, Valentina Lopez Dominguez, Emely Alejandra Lopez Lopez, Crystal Manuel Rivera, Jessica Manuel Rivera, Ana Maria Mar Velazquez, Corina Meneses Blanco, Maria Yolanda Mezo Dimas, Felix Adriana Montero, Susan Tatyana Montero, Nathan Kounga Noumsi, Kaitlynn Jannet Ramirez, Victoria Romero Rodriguez, Henlly Janay Salas Hernandez, Justin Axel Reyes Sesena, Gilaniche Codjo Senou, Ashley Carolina Servellon, Guadalupe Vasquez Solis, Isabel Vasquez Solis and Juan Angel Muñoz Xolo (catechumens); Salvador Acuna, Adrian Adjahli, Daniel Adjahli, Abigail Alonso, Daniel Alonso, Emmanuel Alonso, Aydee Amado Tiburcio, Tania Ascencion Felix, Elizabeth Barkley, Daniel Gonzalez Blanco, Nancy Buss, Edgar Manuel Cabrera, Yareli Calderon, Yohan Caldwell, Brisa Carrera Rosas, Diana Karina Chavez Garcia, Edward Ruben Jimenez Claros, Roberto Jimenez Claros, Jr., Elizabeth Cortez, Alexis Alan Cuachoca, Lindsey Sarai Cuachoca, America Jazmine DeLeo Manzo, Edwin Dominguez,
Kevin Dominguez, Cecilia Dominguez Martinez, Melany Joselyn Dominguez Zetina, Cynthia Estanislao‑Juarez, David Armando Muñoz Estrada, Albert Feuzing, Lydie Feuzing, Stephani Joanna Figueroa Galdamez, Jose Flores, Wanda Elizabeth Flores, Corey Fundenberger, Fausto Gonzalez, Amy Beatriz Gonzalez Ladera, David Gonzalez-Blanco, Dashaun Eduardo Guillen, Jadira Gutierrez Dominguez, Valeria Hernandez, Aline Hernandez Toxqui, Cristel Jimenez, Roy Jimenez, Anahy Milagros Jimenez Claros, Claudia Elialucina Jimenez Claros, Manuel Esquivel Juarez, Nahum Estanislao Juares, Rosine Kakesa, Jesus Ronaldo Gonazalez Ladera, Destiny Marcial Manzano, Namara Lizeth Marcial Manzano, Hugo Enrique Martinez, Coral Menseses Blanco, Abigail Milan Vicens, Ashly Monserrat Rodriguez, Alexandra Monterroza, Daniel Morales, Jocelyn Morales, Rodolfo Anota Morales, Jaime Luis Nuñez, Valeria Nuñez Rosas, Eva Belen Olascoaga Gonzalez, Sindy Rubi Pedroza Rodriguez, Hillary Perez Canchola, Katherine Perez Canchola, Elizabeth Perez Rosas, Besty Porras Jimenez, Chelsea Rabet, Michael Rabet, Alejandro Marin Ramirez, Kevin Javier Rodriguez, Matthew Rodriguez, Carlos Daniel Ramos Romero, Mauricio Ramos Romero, Diego Vega Sanchez, Jovani Sanchez Sanchez, Pablo Sanchez, Efrain Sandoval Sandoval, Nayeli Sandoval, Vanessa Schooley, Kimberly Karina Silva Sandoval, Brenda Smith-Cooper, Yair Alexander Trejo, Adal Rigoberto Trejo, Oscar Urbieta, Paulina Uribe Reyes, Natalie Vasquez Solis, Frida Sophia Vega Sanchez and Anahy Yesenia Monterroza (candidates)
St. Thomas More, Mooresville
Jacob Wray (catechumen); Juanito Huerta, Elizabeth Larch, Ian Larch and Kimberly Roach (candidates)
St. Susanna, Plainfield
Jaime Griffin, Mathew Hollinger and Lindsay Woodson (catechumens); Sefanie Bodnar, Nathaniel Burnett, Donna Dunn, Christopher Franklin, Pamela Laughlin, Lauren Price, Jonathon Quearry and Amy Wilson (candidates)
New Albany Deanery
St. Michael, Bradford
Diana Fouts (catechumen); Lisa Bell and Jared Willis (candidate)
St. John Paul II, Clark County
Amanda Broderick, Taylor Buckner, Dorothy Hagest, Laura Hood, Chrisy Kempf, Jayda Kempf, Kevin Kempf, Preston Kempf, Alexzander Robertson, Carter Roe and Rocky Woodruff (catechumens); Allison Antz, Jennifer Antz, Meredith Antz, Devon Beevers, Carol Coulter, Elise Coulter, Brian Roe, Shari Roe, Allison Thweatt and Jeffrey West (candidates)
St. Anthony of Padua, Clarksville
Emry Holman, Thomas Holman, Carter Lannan, Pete Lannan, Karlie Morrison, Randy Munday, Frankie Weber and Lillie Weber (catechumens); Savannah Guerrero, Kathy Lenfert and Jessica Lenfert (candidates)
St. Mary-of-the-Knobs, Floyd County
Stacy Eads and Larry Fox (catechumens); Michael Dailey, John Deaver, Jr., Michael Fowler, Marissa Fox and Gwendolyn Routh (candidates)
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jeffersonville
Michael Aldridge, Anthony Fresh, Destiny Holder and Leah Lucas (catechumens); Marsha Weobong (candidates)
St. Augustine, Jeffersonville
Josie Bauer, Noell Bauer, Rowan Bauer, Tyler Bauer, Noah Fears, Logan McCutchen and Macyn McCutchen (catechumens); Bruce Williams (candidate)
Holy Family, New Albany
Jeremiah Litzinger, Isabel Sisson and Olive Sisson, (catechumens); Carolyn Eads, Melissa Glover, Lindsey Rutherford, Collin Sisson and Carol Wilkerson (candidates)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Albany
Raymond Bottorff, Brad Davidson and Dawson Mitchell (catechumens)
St. Mary, New Albany
Veronica Arambul, Michelle Missi and Crystal Stewart (catechumens)
Seymour Deanery
St. Bartholomew, Columbus
Cesar Chavez, Reece Edwards, Lauran Fox, Juan Xicay Hernandez, Tammy Love, Marley Sutton and Dulce Varilla Nunez (catechumens); Linda Brown, Guadalupe Chavez, Miguel Rosete Flores, Jonas Howell, Bobby McIlquham, Maria Rodriguez and Rachel Schoettmer (candidates)
St. Rose of Lima, Franklin
Landon Baker, Kaden Hicks, Kaleb Hicks, Tressen Martz and Mallory Murray (catechumens); Joseph Hollis and Kacie Murray (candidates)
St. Ann, Jennings County; St. Joseph, Jennings County; and St. Mary, North Vernon
Emersyn Arnold, Sarah Arnold, Steve Arnold, Alyssa Buckingham, Chloe Franks, Mike Hines and Ryne Shaw (catechumens); Marcia Leahigh, Phil Leahigh, Whitney Shaw, Sharla Todd and Doris VanSickle (candidates)
Prince of Peace, Madison
Kristen Cozart, Carl Glesing and Whitney Konkle (catechumens); Marvin Lynn (candidate)
St. Ambrose, Seymour
Gracie Boles, Lane Boles, Patrick Boles, Nicole Cervantes and Nerea Padilla Perez (catechumens); Eric Blacklidge, Damian Mil Escribana, Angel Fields, William Gallion, Ernesto Ignacio Gaspar,
Juana Pablo Gaspar, Siddha Hall, Solomon Hall, Graciela Juan Tomas, Pablo Domingo Juan, Catarina Nicolas Pascual, Gardelia Ramirez Ruiz, Santiago Mateo Santiago and Martin Ignacio Tomas (candidates)
Tell City Deanery
St. Joseph, Crawford County
Hayley Wilhite, Izabella Wilhite and Svitlana Wilhite (catechumens); Lori Will (candidate)
St. Paul, Tell City
Kendra Graves, Ethan Maffia and Tarah Romo (catechumens); Valorie Casebolt (candidate)
Terre Haute Deanery
Annunciation, Brazil
Brandon Hull, Landon Hull and Vanessa Miller (catechumens); Kim Bachmann (candidate)
Sacred Heart, Clinton
Gracie Clilton and Peter Panagouleas (catechumens); Amber Helt (candidate)
St. Paul the Apostle, Greencastle
Gerald Bates, Benjamin Freeland, Charles Precht and Samuel Starkia (catechumens); Shannon Cook, Jamie Edward, Sierra Graves, Jade Griffin, Grant McAllister, Michael Murphy and Clayton Wilson (candidates)
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Terre Haute
Alicia D’Angelo and Carmine D’Angelo (catechumens)
St. Benedict, Terre Haute
Marilyn Burk, Dakota Cooper, Inez Cooper, Jason Cooper, Izak Godoy, Liam Jeffers, Patrick Jeffers and Kurt Waggoner (catechumens); Jason Allen, Pam Grimes and Larry Taylor (candidates)
St. Joseph University, Terre Haute
Ashley Gordon (candidate)